A multi purpose application, Istari's Star600 quality information system is used to automate the task of drawing and monitoring the Cusum in New Zealand kiwifruit pack house operations.
As a monitoring and assessment tool, Star600 is invaluable in empowering Quality Control Managers with the knowledge of how quality control staff are performing in relation to one another, highlighting areas where a particular staff member may require further training. Star600 is also used as a product quality tool to monitor and report in real time on the types of defects that are occurring in a run of product giving the opportunity to make adjustments for future runs.
The features and benefits of Star600 include:
- Equips user with vital information for analysing staff performance.
- Automates the drawing of Cusum charts, eliminating drawing errors.
- Meets Zespri Auditor requirements.
- Simplicity of use requires no previous computer experience.
- Provides quantitative defect analysis that can feed into supplier orchard management practices to enhance quality production.
- Minimises potential for costly repacking.
- Allows user to tailor training and team placement for greatest efficiencies.
- Enhances ability of sorting staff to achieve a common standard, alleviating pressure further down the system.
- Lowers production costs and enhances competitiveness.
- Guarantees high quality production.
- Data immediately available for reporting.
- Removes reliance on slower paper based systems.