Press Releases

How Smart Printing Powers Profitability

24 September 2009

Istari Systems Ltd was one of two key participants in a recent Intermec global Webinar [22 July 2009] exploring how smart printing powers profitability.

The event, organized by Karl Perry, Senior Manager of Printer Software for Intermec Inc, examined the ways in which Intermec's printing solutions can improve workplace costs in core areas of productivity, accuracy and workflow. The improved productivity and lowered costs that can be achieved enhance competitiveness and bottom line profitability.

The Webinar highlighted multiple examples of the bottom-line business benefits customers have realised through implementing Intermec smart printers and the Fingerprint applications written for them.

To illustrate this, Istari Systems was profiled as a supplier of large volume, highly automated solutions in the manufacturing and horticulture sectors. Istari's work in the New Zealand horticulture sector - and more specifically in the provision of an EAN labeling solution used in post harvest kiwifruit operations that has been based around the Intermec PM4i printer technology - is a perfect example of utilising Intermec technology capabilities to its fullest to provide customers with reliable, flexible system solutions.

The full Webinar [slides and vocals] can be accessed at the following address: